Monday, October 12, 2015

Volkswagen: the United States are investigating other software – Le Figaro

The system studied by the US authorities installed on diesel models that the German brand was marketed in 2016.

after being officially accused of cheating by distorting the energy results of its diesel engines with a first software, Volkswagen is again at the heart of the storm. The US authorities are testing another system installed on the vehicles of the brand whose output was scheduled for 2016, according to The New York Times . The authorities are currently focusing on the first nature of this device which could be the last, influence the pollutant gas emissions véhicule.Lors his hearing before Congress, Thursday, October 8, Michael Horn, CEO of Volkswagen in the United States has also announced that the placing on the market these vehicles was suspended, the time of the survey.

Bi repetita?

As the previous software which equipped more than 11 million Group vehicles, the new system is connected directly to engine emissions. The question is whether it has a AECD, Auxiliary Emission Control Device, to falsify the results of the vehicle pollutants. “Volkswagen has recently provided preliminary information on an auxiliary emission control device that Volkswagen has included in one or more models whose release is scheduled for 2016,” said Nick Conger, a spokesman for the agency protection of the American environment. “What we do not yet know is whether the AECD software is also a handling device or if it is software that follows the requirements provided by the Agency for Environmental Protection,” explains, the New York Times John German, technology specialist for energy efficiency at the International Council on Clean Transportation. In some cases, automotive OEMs can sign ancillary agreements to the discharge of major pollutants, especially in cold countries. But they must never be concealed by the automaker.

China recalls 2,000 vehicles

In the event that this software would be a new IT tool to handle the noxious emissions treatment system, the German group would live a new energy scandal could seal the fate of the company after the economic losses caused by the first, estimated between 20 and 80 billion dollars

Volkswagen announced the recall of nearly 2,000 of its vehicles in China, the builder is the main foreign vendor. The Chinese administration in charge of monitoring the qualitée feels “very concerned” about the situation, she said in a statement. Measures could be taken by the Chinese government, if the manufacturer does not solve the problem quickly.


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