Sunday, October 18, 2015

Flanders: a software for the management of road works – La Voix du Nord

The community of common indoor Flanders (CCFI) must maintain near 1500 km of inter roads , which represents a heavy financial burden. To follow closely the work requirements and their estimated costs, it has a software which was presented Thursday evening to all local councilors . A subject that motivates visibly since they were 155, from 49 of the 50 towns that gathers ITAB, said Jacques Hermant, vice president of roads and agriculture in the community of communes.

The surveyor firm Lapouille Hazebrouck conducted the study and software. It updated the studies made for the former communities of rural towns of Flanders hills and country of Cassel, 500 km of roads, and added 1,000 others from the rest of ITAB.

More than other priority roads

This work is performed in a vehicle equipped with electronics through all routes for the scanner to know precisely dimensions and to meet the state to define the maintenance work needed. Pictures by portions twenty meters were taken. The brand consists a database made available to technicians ITAB , who will have to update it over the work to be carried. Thus, ITAB will have a constantly updated picture of its road network, with an estimate of the work and its cost. Several “classes” of roads have been defined: those that are most urgent to deal with, within less than two years; they maintain in three or four years and those programmed in five or more years.

This software does not replace the elected, has he explained, but rather an aid to decision to treat each fairly common. Hugues Lapouille made this clear: “ The tool used to predict budgets. After that, it’s up to you, elected officials, to choose what you do. “And you better make the right decisions for the annual maintenance of roads ITAB is estimated to cost eight million euros .


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