Thursday, October 29, 2015

INFO M6 – French 4 arrested for using Droïdjack a … – Yahoo! Sports

Four French suspected of using a particularly malicious spyware were arrested and placed in custody Tuesday at the headquarters of the judicial police in Nanterre. Reportedly, the four suspects have downloaded “Droïdjack” paid software that works like a Trojan and provides access to all data from a remote smartphone.

A dreaded spyware

The principle after equipped with the software, simply send an SMS to a party whose smartphone runs on Android to then be able to access all Data: history of sent messages, emails, geolocation …

The software programmer arrested in India

The investigation was opened this software Germany in May after more alerts. Last week, the person who developed Droïdjack was arrested in India.

About thirty arrests in Europe

Meanwhile, police Germany requested the assistance of the OCLCTIC, the Central Office of fight against crime related to information and communications technology in France. Cosaisis of the investigation, the French police then arrested Tuesday four French in Paris and in the provinces. Their homes were searched and seized computer equipment. Released Thursday morning, the four suspects could be heard again if the operation of their equipment shows that it could steal bank details or other sensitive information with this software. In total, thirty people were arrested in Europe in the context of this case



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