Thursday, October 29, 2015

International round-up against buyers of spyware –

The German justice
tackles DroidJack spyware that gets into mobile phones. As part of its investigation it conducted raids in Germany and Switzerland.

The Crown Frankfurt conducted a large-scale raid against the purchasers of the malicious device running the Android operating system. The security forces searched the apartments of thirteen suspects in the states of Hesse, Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Bremen, Lower Saxony and North Rhine-Westphalia.

The excavations also concern Switzerland, Britain, France and Belgium, said prosecutors. Buyers of the software are suspected computer fraud and data theft.

Access to bank data

                   DroidJack can monitor data traffic of a mobile phone and listen to phone conversations and even those around the device. Secretly capture images taken are also possible via the phone’s camera.

The installation also managed to locate the user of an infected device. It can initiate phone calls and send messages.

The software is particularly dangerous in the financial field. It is indeed able to recover the necessary access codes to people who wish to consult their bank account on their mobile.

DroidJack was probably introduced in smartphones through contaminated applications. The device goes unnoticed to users of devices concerned.

India suppliers

                   In Germany, the suspects are between 19 and 51 years. They probably bought the illegal installation by internet. Their operations have been going on in 2014.

The provider of such a tool is difficult to detect. It does not in fact provide its online identity. But it is likely to be located in India, said the prosecutor Alexander Badle the German Press Agency dpa

(ats / 10/28/2015 4:14 p.m.).

(TTY / 10/28/2015 4:14 p.m.) ->


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