Christian Eckert, Secretary of State for the Budget and Michel Sapin, Minister of Finance attend a demonstration by Jean-François Paris, a restaurateur who has an efficient software to fight against VAT fraud Thursday, 1 October 2015. – O. Gabriel / 20 Minutes
* Oihana Gabriel

” You can erase even the Burgundy snails? “Laughs Michel Sapin, Minister of Finance on Thursday morning. Christian Eckert with his colleague, Secretary of State for the Budget, he had an appointment at Pré Verre, restaurant of the 5th arrondissement of Paris. For a demonstration: one side software that erases a portion of the addition provided it is paid in cash. Clearly, the machine can re-edit a minus ticket. On the other, his cousin “clean”, ie prohibiting any VAT fraud, installed in this restaurant. Since the draft budget 2016, adopted by the cabinet Wednesday, including plans to require all traders to be equipped with a certified software compliant by 1 January 2018.

& gt; & gt; Read also: APL, retreats … Where will be realized savings in 2016

“Safe and deterrent tool”

Objective: say goodbye to these less savory additions submitted to tax audit without the knowledge of customers and staff. “The problem is that this type of VAT fraud is difficult to detect, says Vincent Mazauric, deputy director general of public finances. It takes an in-depth analysis and even searches. When we conduct inspections of scale, we find up to 30% VAT fraud on cash. This is significant and intolerable. The whole point of this measure is to go through a safe and deterrent tool. “

” With this software, I gain in tranquility “

Jean-François Paris, in the 5th restaurateur therefore not expected punishment and is equipped first certified software. A program that can cost between 300 to an update and 1,500 euros. “My cashing machine was getting old and if it is to change material in two years … says the restaurateur who leads by example. For us, nothing changes, the software prevents the ticket just to correct, everything is noted in a log anomalies. Obviously this is an investment, but I gain in tranquility for tax audits. “Given the high-tech machinery, the two ministers will understand the workings of this ‘spyware’. “For you, we take the children’s menu? “Quips Christian Eckert at his colleague Finance.

Pharmacies, bars, restaurants, small shops, supermarkets, all will have to be equipped with a software” clean “by two years. “But all software has a cost … even” dirty “,” argued Michel Sapin, who points out that the initiative comes from the profession. It is a small cost compared to the challenge of protecting suspicion of fraud. And a way to protect the taxpayer since for missing recipes on one side, ask them from the other … “After two years, the trader who is not in compliance could 5,000 euro fine and a tax adjustment … and will have 60 days maximum to equip.

Billions for state coffers?

How the state will be able to recover thanks to this measure ? “The principle of the fraud is that it is hidden” dodge Michel Sapin. According to a document from the European Commission, challenged by Bercy, the tax VAT fraud each year would cost around 32 billion euros to France. And according Acédise, Association of installers of POS systems, fiscal controls have enabled the State to recover almost 20 billion euros in 2014. “fraud Side VAT collection with these machines, one can imagine a loss of around 3 billion euros per year, “said Jean-Luc Baert, president of Acédise. A sum of size, especially as VAT, the first resource of the state, represents 50% of tax revenues. And “this type of fraud is double, full Christian Eckert. For the diversion of these species can be used to pay employees in cash and therefore fueling social fraud. “

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