Thursday, October 15, 2015

Mandatory recall vehicles with fraudulent software – Le Devoir (Subscription)

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 Volkswagen has indicated & # xe9; the fraudulent software & # xe9; t & # xe9; install & # xe9; about 11 million v & # xe9; vehicles & # xE0; worldwide, including 2.8 million in Germany & # xa0;.
Photo: Nicholas Kamm Agence France-Presse Volkswagen said the fraudulent software was installed about 11 million vehicles worldwide, including 2.8 million in Germany.

Berlin – The agency responsible for Transport in Germany announced Thursday mandatory recall of all Volkswagen vehicles with a diesel engine on lesquel software truncating the results of emissions was installed.

The agency denies the request and Volkswagen, which proposed that the recall work is voluntary.

The Minister of Transport of Germany, Alexander Dobrindt, should deliver by Thursday the details of the recall campaign.

The president and CEO of Volkswagen, Matthias Mueller, had already left hear a reminder could begin next January and that the process could be completed by the end of the year in Germany.

Volkswagen said the fraudulent software was installed on approximately 11 million vehicles worldwide, including 2.8 million in Germany.

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