Monday, October 26, 2015

New software to detect autism in Vietnam – Le Courrier du Vietnam (Press Release)

The A365 of the autism diagnostic software is a new creation of the cooperation between the Centre of innovation initiatives in the health sector and population (CCIHP) and the network of autistic Vietnam (NPV), with the participation of Vietnamese and foreign experts, and the financial support of the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (Grand Challenges).

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The A365 will help both parents and health officials to detect early disorders falling or likely to indicate an autism condition, which will implement appropriate treatment programs.

“This is to first identify the five warning signs recognized by health organizations “, says Professor Doctor Nguyen Thi Hoang Yen, the Ministry of Education and Training.

This software also favors making contact with the parents of autistic child with the VAN.

Statistics of the Central Hospital of Pediatrics show that the number of autistic Vietnam has quadrupled in 2010 compared to 2008 (1792 against 450), and this trend is growing .

According to the Association of Public Health, the country currently has 160,000 autistic.


  Cam Sa / CVN


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