Tuesday, October 13, 2015

85% of turnover from exports Cartoons go through … – Le Républicain Lorrain

M etz. “Competition is very aggressive and any information given the opportunity to counter us. “Adam Patrick and Fabrice Debarge, TV Paint leaders installed in Metz, working in the world of the cartoon, but not in a world of Care Bears!

Their software existed since 1991,” my brother, Herve has developed, explains Patrick Adam. Almost at the same time as Photoshop. “Say if Hervé, the visionary sadly died two years ago, was precursor. “In the middle of the animation, the 3D creation had taken precedence. Everyone thought that 2D was dead, “recalls Fabrice Debarge. Issues of cost, ease of creation.

But the software for small Frenchies came breaking predictions. Since 1991, with the accelerator hits in 1997 and 2005, the formula has continued to evolve and improve.

“In February, we released the eleventh version. She works very hard and our turnover has increased by over 50% this year. “

TV Paint provides software that empowers designers to draw directly on the computer screen. The designer traces his line, built its image plane by plane, makes evolve, may wish to modify and reuse it throughout history. “This is the way to create that is closest paper and pencil, but with the digital force. Or speed of execution and lower costs.

“The creative are free, their only limit is their talent and imagination. “Since launching the first software versions have continued to improve. “Each new film made with our software poses new problems. We accompany our clients and are very attentive to their return or technical points which allow us to improve each version. “

85% of turnover from exports

The company and its fourteen employees, achieve 85% of revenue from exports. What holds them to be awarded next month the price for export by the Region Lorraine. Only in France, mostly located in Europe, TV Paint sells in 70 countries and attacked the Japanese market towards 2008-2009. “It’s only for a year or two we begin to see great results. Today it is in Asian countries it sells best: Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, China, Japan … We also work a lot with graphics art schools. “

More than a hundred films, feature films and animated series, were made through the software Metz,” but nobody knows because the strength of our software is to allow graphic impregnate their own style. In the credits, the software is never mentioned. There is no Oscar in this category! “


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