Sunday, October 4, 2015

Volkswagen case: engineers say they have installed the software … – Le Figaro

The German newspaper Bild revealed on Sunday that several engineers from the auto giant acknowledged being responsible for the diesel-fixing revealed there two weeks.

Several engineers employed by the Volkswagen German car giant has admitted being responsible for the diesel-fixing revealed there two weeks ago Sunday, reports the German newspaper Bild , without disclosing the number or identity. The services responsible for investigating the matter internally, World magnitude earthquake that shook the automotive sector, “have already received initial confessions,” the newspaper said, without citing its sources. “Many engineers have testified have installed the software truqueur in 2008,” says Bild.

Volkswagen admitted there is little equipping the engines of 11 million vehicles a software capable of distorting the results of emission tests. The revelation of this cheating has cost his position in the group boss Martin Winterkorn, Volkswagen and promised to shed light on the case, by means of a survey carried out by a US law firm.

The group blames manipulation to “a small group of people”, and suspended certain employees. The press has mentioned the figure of a dozen, among them the leader of the research and development of the Audi subsidiary activities. The previously collected confessions have not provided clarification as to the identity of the sponsors of the software installation, says Bild .

According to the confessions made by the engineers concerned, it was technically impossible to manufacture the EA 189 engine, developed by Volkswagen in 2005, respecting both the emission ceilings of gaseous and imperatives costs. It was therefore decided to use the faker software.

Volkswagen must remember in the coming weeks, millions of cars and commercial vehicles to give to standards, and the image of this jewel of German industry took a big hit.


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