Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Nancy: Véronique Cortier researcher receives award for its … – Est Républicain

Véronique Cortier, CNRS research director at Loria, Nancy, has won a national award for designing, with other researchers, an electronic voting software to ensure the secrecy of the vote and verifiability.

If there is no substitute voting in a polling booth, election modern issues need to imagine new ways of expression of individual will or collective. With this in mind, a team of researchers from CNRS, INRIA and the University of Lorraine has designed an electronic voting software “open source” which guarantees, in addition to the secrecy of the vote, its verifiability.

A few months ago, Veronique Fortier, director of research at CNRS, presented this work (our edition of March 15, 2015). A work rewarded today with a price of INRIA – Academy of Sciences, which each year highlight “three computer scientists or mathematicians working in the French research institutions,” say Loria and INRIA Nancy


Second woman winning

These prices illuminate pathways that embody “the impact of digital technology in our society and the innovative potential of this sector” continues the two public research structures.

Véronique Cortier is also the second woman to get the price INRIA – Academy of Sciences Young Investigator. “This is a true recognition of my work. It is also a potential accelerator. Such a price is still a stepping stone in a career, “she informed by Loria and INRIA Nancy.

Currently on vacation, the young researcher was unable to evoke the impact of the award on his career. However, its work and in particular the electronic voting software, called “Belenios” quickly offered high visibility and recognition internationally. “In two awards testify theses, an ERC Starting Grant and two invited lectures at the Collège de France,” Nancy detail the two research organizations. His work was initially carried on automatic program verification. She has designed techniques to hunt bugs in security protocols. And one of his favorite applications is electronic voting.

To measure the stakes of this application, the researcher quoted us, in March, the example of the postal vote. Who can indeed certified that the ballot a voter is the one that will be placed in the ballot box?

multiple encryption

Belenios responds to this situation because somehow it allows to vote by mail. Depending on the software protocol, the voter deposits his computer via an encrypted form. “He landed in a transparent ballot box where all encrypted ballots are gathered. So everyone can verify that the ballot is in “detailed the researcher. To verify the identity of the voter, “it relies on multiple encryptions and classic identification login password received by the voter by mail,” she added.

His works have long been of interest and have or are about to lead to industrial partnerships.

Alexandre Poplavsky


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