Monday, October 19, 2015

Diesel Gate: Volkswagen have designed several versions of the software … –


According to three sources familiar with the matter, Volkswagen has modified his illegal software trick to pollution controls for ?? adapt to four different engines

Volkswagen scandal was born of the use of illegal software to fake the level of emissions of its diesel engines on anti-pollution controls.

One month after the revelation of this Diesel Gate we learn that several versions of this software have emerged, according to information revealed to Reuters by three sources close to the dossier, including a manager at VW and an official of the US administration close to the survey group.

Over the past seven years, Volkswagen would thus modified its software to adapt to four different types of engines.

As a reminder, the Volkswagen scandal concerning 11 million vehicles worldwide, including 8.5 million in Europe and 948,064 in France with recall procedures which will start as of next January.


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