Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Monitor the voltage using a software – Le Figaro

The challenge of objects connected to the world of health is less technical than practical. Taking your blood pressure, for example: a simple gesture facilitated by self-measurement devices, but what to do with the results? The new generation of medical software addresses this challenge of autonomous patient. Thus a group of hypertension specialists from the European Hospital Georges Pompidou, in collaboration with Belgian and Quebec centers, just published in an international journal (Blood Pressure Monitoring) evidence of effectiveness a software to help support people with high blood pressure, called Hy-Result.

“This is a tool for people measuring itself their blood pressure and aimed at the help understand their measurement results, “says Dr. Nicolas Postel-Vinay, one of its designers, also founder of the site automesure.com. “Now made cars helping drivers to park, why not propose tools guiding people to monitor their power?” Says he.

The software is of course based recommendations of the European Society of Hypertension and also incorporates the patient’s profile.

You are a young woman taking the pill? The program will draw your attention to the fact that some may be responsible for hypertension. You have diabetes or kidney disease? The software will tell you that it may be desirable to have a lower voltage usually recommended. You have more than 80 years? It will encourage you to be wary of orthostatic hypotension, and specify that your blood pressure should not be lowered so excessive.

The results are presented in a very simple with a color code with recommendations: green if the voltage is satisfactory, orange or red (depending on the urgency) if a consultation is necessary. The authors, however, remain cautious about the use and limitations of such a tool, precautions that are not always found in applications sold to the public. Such tools can not replace the advice of a professional.

Hy-Result is available free on the Internet and via automesure.com hy-result.com. It is also automatically adapted to tensiomètreconnecté Withings (for 2.99 euros)


Hypertension, what values?


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