Sunday, September 27, 2015

Volkswagen knew since 2007 that its software was illegal – Liberation

Who knew what and when? Since the beginning of the case, internal monitoring bodies to Volkswagen rummage through old files, looking for explanations about the diesel-fixing scandal that has already cost his position at Volkswagen boss Winterkorn replaced Friday Matthias Müller. And we learn every day.

This weekend, the German press has revealed that Bosch would have provided the equipment from 2007 to Volkswagen for software rigging emissions of its diesel vehicles “for testing purposes.” But the vendor had taken care to inform the client in writing that the installation of this software on serial cars would be totally “illegal” . “Obviously, we had knowledge of manipulation of emissions into the high circles of management, since 2007,” says the Sunday edition of Bild Zeitung . Bosch accepts no liability in this case, recalling that “within the framework of our business relations with Volkswagen, we are bound by confidentiality … The responsibility to develop and integrate the components supplied based on VW.”

And there were other warnings from Bosch. According to the Sunday edition of Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung this time the German manufacturer a technician would have alerted his superiors in 2011 of these illegal practices. 2011 This written document was presented Friday to members of the Supervisory Board, without anyone being able to explain why these repeated warnings had no effect. The last known alarm signal was in May 2014, when US environmental authorities have begun to address the diesel models of the group. Without that VW does not change its practices, which immerses German observers in the greatest perplexity.

Winterkorn clings to his parachute

Under maximum pressure, the global giant the automobile is about to call a US firm’s external audit, in particular to determine a possible personal liability of several board members. The frames of management who have acted deliberately risk prosecution in a personal and group compensation claims, the newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. The CEO leaving, Martin Winterkorn, who endorsed the responsibility of the scandal while ensuring any knowledge of the case, always on his side would claim the golden parachute of € 28 million that secured him his contract. It also would claim his wages until 2016 and severance pay … But it is not yet assured touch that money, given the magnitude of the controversy in Germany.

Long remained silent, the German authorities now require Volkswagen to a timetable for all vehicles affected by deception to anti-pollution standards. The KBA, Federal Transport Authority, asked the manufacturer “binding measures and timetable” by October 7 explaining how the group intends to bring its vehicles to the emissions standards without Software distorting the results, according to the Bild. Otherwise KBA could withdraw its approval to all vehicles concerned. Motorists could no longer use their vehicle if it is affected by the scandal, which portends colossal sums in damages since in Germany alone, nearly 3 million vehicles would be affected; and there are 11 million worldwide.

Daily Die Welt , however, doubt the determination of Berlin, and even talk of “conspiracy diesel “, ensuring that the German government is trying to push the parallel introduction of a new reliable test for the European Union in late 2017 to 2021.

Nathalie Versieux Berlin, of our corresponding


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