Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Free software to enhance interoperability in hospital … – LinuxFr

Thursday, September 24, 2015 at 19h will run the 41st Mons meeting on Thursdays Royalty Belgium

The subject of this session. Free software to support the interoperability in hospitals: the example of Orthanc in medical imaging

Theme Health

Public Everyone

The speaker Host: Sébastien Jodogne (Orthanc & amp; CHU Liège)

Sébastien Jodogne the Orthanc Software and the University Hospital of Liège were rewarded this year

  • Price of the Free Software Foundation
  • Agoria eHealth Award

Over the past twenty years, the development and the democratization of new medical imaging technologies have led to profound revolutions in the clinical management of many diseases, such as cancer or heart failure. The ever-increasing volume of images to which any hospital currently faces is not without creating many computer problems: Automatic routing of images from the acquisition devices into image analysis software, international trade and outside the hospital, anonymisation of data …

Faced with these pressing needs of the community and at the lack of appropriate commercial offers, the Department of Medical Physics of the University Hospital of Liège decided to design an innovative IT product and Industrial Quality. This software, called Orthanc, is a lightweight medical imaging server, robust and versatile. Orthanc has the distinction of being free software. All the world’s hospital thus can use it freely, according to an academic approach, collaborative and open

The example of Orthanc shows that free software allows to get a better technological independence of medical services face their suppliers. More generally, open standards of health (such as FHIR and DICOM) and their free reference implementations are essential tools to create maximum interoperability between ecosystems owners in the medical community for the benefit of our health care system health. In addition, benefit from such interoperability is a huge opportunity to boost our industrial fabric eHealth and to guarantee digital freedoms of patients

Place this session. CHU Ambroise Paré, Audience Leburton . Kennedy Boulevard 2-7000 Mons. See access and the OSM board.

Participation is free and only require your registered form prior preference, or at the entrance to the meeting. Thank you to indicate your intention by registering via http://jeudisdulibre.fikket.com/ page. The session will be followed by a friendly drink

Free Thursdays in Mons also have the support of our partners.. CETIC, Normation, OpenSides, MeaWeb, NextLab, Phonoid and Creative Monkeys

If you are interested (e) by the monthly cycle, please consult the agenda and to register on the mailing list to receive announcements systematically.

As a reminder, Thursdays Libre want exchanges around themes Free Software spaces. The montoises meetings take place every third Thursday of the month, and are organized in local and in cooperation with High Schools and University Faculties montoises involved in training of IT (UMONS, HEH and Condorcet), and with the assistance of the ASBL LoLiGrUB, active in promoting free software.


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