Thursday, September 17, 2015

LibreOffice between the Ministry of Defence, but in Italy – ZDNet France

Yes free software can substitute a proprietary solution from a major publisher, not just on individual workstations. The Italian Ministry of Defence is convinced and formalized a comprehensive migration project.

In Rome, the LibreItalia NGO Association announced the passage of 150,000 positions in Microsoft Office to LibreOffice. The migration will be co-managed by the association and the management information systems of the army.

It will be based on a methodology (“Migration LibreOffice Protocol”) development developed by the Document Foundation, which manages the project Libre Office. In this context, ODF (Open Document Format) will become the standard for document exchange within the administration.

The deployment of the following free and should start in October be completed by the end of next year. As training is a critical component in this type of project, the Ministry will develop online course series. These will be donated to the community under Creative Commons license.

As for the volunteers LibreItalia, have the mission to train future trainers of the army on LibreOffice. When will the free following the French Ministry of Defence? Probably not right away.

The department has in fact renewed in 2014 and 2017, an extensive agreement with Microsoft for the supply of software, including Office for the least 200,000 jobs. This contract is called “Open Bar” and denounced notably by April. The Ministry believes that “the use of free software would be a cost close to using Microsoft licenses.”


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