Sunday, September 27, 2015

Volkswagen: Bosch would have provided the software to rig the … – The Express

New twist in the Volkswagen case. According to the Daily German Bild , the German supplier Bosch had provided in 2007 to the car company in the heart of the software-fixing scandal engines, specifying the Automotive Group as its installation on vehicles was “illegal.”

Software for internal test?

Bosch would thus delivered to Volkswagen this software “provided only for testing (internal) and not for driving normal “, writes in its Sunday edition Bild , citing an” explosive documents “from 2007 and emanating from Bosch. Volkswagen had planted that year the software on diesel engines, delivered by Bosch to rig the results of emission tests, the newspaper writes. In it, Bosch placed at the time in Volkswagen guard, pointing that install on vehicles was “illegal,” says the newspaper still big draw.

“Held to privacy”

When asked by Bild on Volkswagen’s response to these warnings, a portfolio Bosch speech said: “in the context of trade relations with Volkswagen, we are bound to confidentiality.” Bosch had said Tuesday it had provided to Volkswagen of “injection systems common rail” intended to equip the diesel vehicles in the center of fixing scandal engines.

Volkswagen acknowledged this week that diesel engines some 11 million of its vehicles worldwide were equipped with software to invalidate the results of emission tests. This global scandal has cost his place Wednesday to Martin Winterkorn, CEO of the group since 2007. Matthias Müller, head of Porsche, one of 12 brands of Volkswagen, was appointed Friday to succeed him.


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