Duty class ( Illustration) – G. VARELA / 20 MINUTES
Alexia Ighirri

The Unistra hunted plagiarism! In its internal electronic journal The News , the University of Strasbourg announced that it acquired a new anti-plagiarism software with similarities detection solution Compilatio

This will be University teachers available in the next few days. Obtaining a budget through the Excellence Initiative has enabled the purchase of a single solution for the entire university. “There is a similarity detection solution: it is sufficient to file the document in the software that, from an algorithm analyzes the text elements and produced a report with a percentage of similarities, indicating the sources identified in case of doubts, “says Philippe Portelli, Director of the Directorate digital uses.

A progress report will be made next spring from the back of uses, notably to define what follow-up to the general provisioning this solution. “The next step is to bring a political group to define a University position on plagiarism. The idea is to arrive at a shared level of demand at the university that will be displayed clearly, “insists Philippe Portelli.