Tuesday, September 29, 2015

That Volkswagen provides for customers equipped with fake software – TF1

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Presented Gilles Bouleau

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Of the 11 million Volkswagen manufacturer’s vehicles sold world, with the spyware, more than 900,000 have been in France between 2008 and 2015 according to sources at TF1. Audi and Skoda brands, belonging to the German group, are concerned. The world number one automotive needs by October 7 a complete list of the vehicles equipped with the chassis numbers.

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All subjects

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Find the 20 o’clock news of Tuesday, September 29, 2015

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Of the 11 million Volkswagen manufacturer’s vehicles sold worldwide, with the Spyware, more than 900,000 have been in France between 2008 and 2015 according to sources at TF1. Audi and Skoda brands, belonging to the German group, are concerned. The world number one automotive needs by October 7 a complete list of the vehicles equipped with the chassis numbers.

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Daniel Carder is the man who discovered the manipulations by Volkswagen. There is a year and a half, this American researcher has demonstrated with the help of his engineer of Indian origin, as diesel engines number one automobile were not as clean as it promised it. Today, other manufacturers have in their sights.

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8 of 10 electronic cigarettes do not comply with the regulations according to a survey of Fraud. A TF1 team wanted to know what is an electronic cigarette. She went into hiding at different camera vendors and specialists. The results are instructive: liquid hazardous to health, labeling that does not match the product composition and missing icons in the presence of nicotine.

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A recent Court of finger tip accounts the cost of French students 26 billion euros to the state. In some institutions, very specific vocational courses are taught, such as lenses blower. If they guarantee a job in the end, they are expensive. General education has its part too few options for candidates.

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The High Court of Paris on Tuesday ordered the expulsion of Dieudonné Theatre de la Main d ‘Gold. This is the outcome of a standoff for months between the owners of the hall of the 11th arrondissement and polemicist who produced it for fifteen years. The latter intends to appeal this decision.

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Amedi Coulibaly and one of Kouachi brothers, authors of the January attacks frequented the penitentiary Fleury-Merogis in 2005. Right after the tragic events, the government had allocated 43 million euros to prevent radicalization in prison. What about the state of play today?

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All is true for Trump, even her hair …! A little more than a year of the US presidential election, the billionaire is leading among Republicans. Including its provocations against Latino immigrants, his uncontrollable banter, dismayed by his opponents but his politically incorrect attracted activists. Portrait of it made his fortune in real estate and believes since, untouchable.

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If in men, it easily detects the causes of heart attack, a taboo has finally rose among women. The number of female heart attack rose sharply mainly because of sedentary lifestyles and the rise of smoking. And the last 15 years they have tripled in less than 50 years …

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For Vaxjo in Sweden there will be in 15 years more greenhouse gases. This city can be proud of having a manufacturing facility that produces 68% of its energy due to the forest industry waste. An example that may inspire the 196 countries present at the COP21 in two months in Paris. They must find ways to meet the environmental challenges.

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Apollo. Under this code name is the largest laser in the world hides. Tuesday unveiled near Paris, he develops the energy equivalent to a million nuclear power plants. CNRS hope this flagship of French technology used to make important advances including physics and medicine for the treatment of cancerous tumors.

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” No to French quotas “chants Morgan Serrano, Director of NRJ Group programs, it must be” free to choose “. If 40% of songs played must be Francophone, private radio stations do not always respect this quota. Record companies argue, they, the amendment of the State supposed to enforce their application. Pascal Negro Universal, said that France is the “only country in Europe where the music produced is French.”

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If in 2007, six in ten French went to the bank, many of today they manage their account through the Internet. The development of online banking has revolutionized the relationship between banks and their customers. In this context, Société Générale announced Monday it will close 20% of its branches in the next five years.

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This is the story of a renaissance, that of a cheese that has almost disappeared. It was the delight of the peasants of the Jura in the 13th century and is recognizable by its round spruce box. Today, it is exported at the end of the world and the pride of the inhabitants. Behind the scenes of a success story in French.

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In the XV of France, they are five foreign-born, South Africa, New Zealand and Fiji. Three years of residence in France have opened the door for the Blues, they pushed with determination. Skeptics, however, were numerous. Former players especially shocked by the number of foreigners. In the team, however, integration is successful.

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Asterix, Tintin or Gaston … many comics whose name evokes childhood memories. But a former philosophy professor made the bold choice to adapt this kind with the classics of literature. The goal, not alienate generations of students before Plato and Nietzsche!

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The film was Lamb last spring along the first Ethiopian film in competition at Cannes. Its history, these students CE2 / CM1, know it by heart. They finally discovered in Ephraim room, a little boy inseparable from his sheep that has a passion, cooking. Back in class, they bombarded the filmmaker Yared Zeleke issues.

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Burning ecology

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