Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The University of Strasbourg adopts an anti-plagiarism software – TF1

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Plagiarism at school: a program to flush out the & quot; copy and paste & quot;

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See also

Strasbourg, university, education, software <- time g & eacute;! n eacute; ration iss /> ESI: 0.99 seconds -> <- total time in requ & egrave; thy: 0171 seconds (117 thy) -> <- /> Blc = 175,148.608, R, prdfriweb502 ->

Our company Friends Caution students Unistra, your professors can now quickly and easily find out if you have plagiarized your last record, report or memory, thanks to an anti-plagiarism software which all teachers have access.
The University Strasbourg is committed to excellence, and for this, it has just announced the making available to its faculty and stakeholders Compilatio a software latest generation of anti-plagiarism. Its use is simple according 20Minutes : just copy and paste the text to study in the tool, and it is the latter who will pick up the similarities with other existing texts.

For Philippe Portelli, Director of the Directorate of Uses of Digital Unistra, this is a first step towards excellence in its teaching center. “The next step is to bring a political group to define a position on the university plagiarism. The idea is to reach a shared requirement degree at the university that will be displayed clearly,” says t- there in 20 minutes.

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