Friday, September 18, 2015

Can the local authorities graciously get a … – common Gazette

Section 134 of the Act for access to housing and a renovated Town Planning (ALUR) provides that the making available of state services for the instruction acts Planning is reserved, since 1 July 2015, only to competent municipalities belonging to public establishments for cooperation (EPCI) of less than 10 000 inhabitants or, if the EPCI which has jurisdiction to urbanism, only to EPCI under 10 000 inhabitants, the ability to assume these intercommunal missions are being significantly strengthened.

This is the maturity of the widespread intercommunal on 1 January 2014 in providing a new framework for local action, expanded beyond the single municipality, which legitimately led the state to change the services insured under certain conditions, to communities in a conventional setting.

To accompany these developments, it should be recalled that the transitional agreements may be concluded with the EPCI created after 1 July 2015 with a population greater than or equal to 10 000. These agreements allow communities who wish to be accompanied and prepared to support the statement.

Given the current budgetary context, the pooling of engineering at inter-communal level is the solution which seems most appropriate to ensure a consideration of both local concerns and the need to capitalize experience and knowledge with a training service dedicated to inter-communal level, the mayor remains a signatory acts.

It is recommended that the instruction of 3 September 2014 on the tasks of the applicator die of land law in the State services and support measures for local communities. Given the financial burden this represents, the dissemination of means across each municipality does not seem sensible.

Regarding the ADS2007 software, it was developed by the State to facilitate instruction of planning approvals and ensure the liquidation of urban planning taxes. It is suitable for its organization, especially in terms of information management, security, and interface with the government accounting system.

It can not be used as is by a external actor and would require multiple adjustments to meet community needs.

Therefore, after considering the time it is made available to communities, the Ministry of Housing, Equal territories and Rural Affairs has given up considering his other work priorities, to focus particularly on the fluidity of the system for the calculation and collection of taxes, after the difficulties experienced in 2014.

information, software twenties interface with the department for statistics systems of construction.


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