Sunday, May 17, 2015

Worse is malware? Candy Crush Saga on Windows 10 – News Houssenia Writing

Many scientists have developed theories about the end of humanity, but it is confirmed when learned that Microsoft would impose Candy Crush Saga on Windows 10. Microsoft said that it was a bonus to add fun to existing games on Windows 10. Once we launch the upgrade to Windows 10, Candy Crush Saga will automatically installed.

Microsoft did not say whether one could choose not to install Candy Crush Saga, but it would be surprising, because we know the tactics of Microsoft on this kind of pre-installed crap. It was learned that Candy Crush Saga developers have danced naked in their offices when they heard the news. King, the Candy Crush Saga editor, was on the verge of bankruptcy after a downward spiral on the stock market. Just this week, the action of King dropped 14%. Candy Crush Saga nobody is interested and players tend to go in more mature games.

Candy Crush Saga for Windows 10 version was shown the first time during the Build conference Microsoft. It was an example to show the possibility of Islandwood and Astoria projects. Islandwood allows iOS developers to port their applications on Windows 10 with a layer INTERIM Objective C. While the recompilation is always necessary, porting will be easier for developers.

It was a lot more to Android developers as Android Windows Mobile includes a routine that allows to run Android applications on Windows 10 without any modification. And the new version of Candy Crush Saga for Windows 10 will allow Gameplay crossed with Android and iOS devices.

But this is no coincidence that Microsoft imposes Candy Crush Saga on Windows 10. Kind is worst mobile games editor. He did not hesitate to pursue all the developers who created games like Candy Crush Saga not to mention the death threats to the developers. But the worst is the micro-payment system that is an incentive to games found in casinos. We constantly encourages players to buy free rounds for sums that can reach hundreds of dollars monthly. Microsoft has probably created a partnership on revenue sharing and Candy Crush Saga was engulfed in the breach.

Candy Crush Saga is also known to install all possible shit that violate the privacy of the User and which prevent the operation of other applications, including the Android version. The games included with Windows 10 are highly popular among users. It is no coincidence that the most used Windows to the world’s game Solitaire program. The coming of Candy Crush Saga on Windows 10 can impose one of the most rotten games that exist by passing for a harmless program.

In fact, we would have preferred that Microsoft imposes a horse Trojan, virus and spyware on Windows 10 because these three combined threats are less dangerous than Candy Crush Saga.


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