Friday, May 29, 2015

The software is running Toyotism – Les Echos

It is now obvious: the software is everywhere and underpins a growing number of interactions between companies and their customers, partners and employees. Whether the added value of a product, improving customer relationship or flow optimization (queues, supplies, etc.), “everything” is based on the software. Or should. This increases the intelligence of everyday equipment and especially hidden in the heart of the most innovative ecosystems … and most lucrative.

Just look at the methods of GAFA and companies such as BMW or Tesla to be convinced. Not only is their success is based on direct services to the software, but also on the way as effective as discreet they deliver it to users across the entire value creation chain.

By consuming a service or software, the average Joe realizes indeed usually a small part of software foundation required for the activity that occupies. It ignores all the complex development process, the many iterations that separate the innovative idea of ​​the equally innovative service it consumes.

One of the strengths of these companies that have made their competitive advantage is to have software able to automate the grunt stages of software development based on the “continuous delivery “.

To understand the concept of “continuous delivery”, users of the Chrome browser have only wonder when was the last time they downloaded a version of the software . The answer is simple: they have had to do that on the day of installation. Unlike what was done before (and which also produced still for many software) updates are now integrated into the software without the user having to worry about it or do anything whatsoever.

This example simply illustrates how some reduce “friction” that is to say the upgrade steps, maintenance or simply the time lost due to bugs or breakdowns. Toyotism, based notably on a notion of continuous search for quality, and draws on the research of the “zero breakdowns, zero defects, zero delays”, already made use of this target to reduce this friction.

One of the main advantages of this approach applied to software development is that of providing users of the management of updates, the last taking place automatically, and Step outside, bringing new features and enhance the quality seamlessly.

If it is there that an almost caricatured vision of what actually the “continuous delivery”, it nevertheless gives an overview of operational efficiency who hides behind this concept. This software development process particularly flexible, which is to create and distribute continuously offering new releases for minor developments, where traditional publishers produced only a few major releases per year and stands for accelerated innovation users, reduced risk and for developers, for increased efficiency.

Companies that have taken the trend to grips have a transformative force that gives them a real edge. Amazon, for example, grows on average an update every 12 seconds! If there is only micro updated in a few weeks and at this breakneck pace, the level of service can be found extensively remodeled … not even have noticed the metamorphosis on.

If this operation is obvious to a company like Amazon, it is important to emphasize that it also applies to other large parts of the industry, including the automobile. With such Tesla cars of the brand through an update performed during the night will offer significant improvements, new features, higher security assurances, almost unbeknownst to their leader! Any company having once orchestrated a product recall transaction will hear the argument …

So Free, the most cautious companies to retain a traditional worldview while others strive to bring new features, more intelligence to objects … However, it is not certain that the first will win the race for differentiation.

And since it is a race that it requires that the companies are reviewing the way they develop software. We approached a revolution so far the software has been used as a crutch. Until then, a business idea emerged, developers were receiving instructions, they returned months later saying “this is what we could do for you.” Sometimes success was the rendezvous, sometimes not. The vision of the software was then very utilitarian: it was simply seen as a tool to “walk the box.”

This marked distinction between those in charge of business activities and the developers must go. Keep separate teams to deny that the software is the value of differentiation; So today emerges a trend that the software business.

The result is the emergence of cross-functional teams combining operational and developers for quick and frequent iterations, several times a month, a week or several times a day. With consequent increased ability to observe the results, to make decisions for the following iterations, and readjust if necessary. The feedback loops become much faster, and it is at this point that what I call “friction” decreases.

Compare the continued deployment to an engine whose many cogs fit together in the other. The more you accelerate, the engine runs more quickly, more heat its workings: the friction. If excessive friction, engine and heater breakage. For the engine running fast and well, we must remove as much as possible the friction. In the context of software deployment, eliminate friction while increasing the rate implicitly returns to automate processes.

The computer has always watched the process born in the hearts of heavy industries with distance and probably a bit of mockery (heavy equipment, complex, fragrant, slightly versus code, clean ). As software becomes more complex and becomes critical, I think it’s time for IT to build on the methods inherited from our industrial past.


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