Friday, May 29, 2015

Apple bought the editor of a augmented reality software – Bourse Les Echos

FRANKFURT, May 29 (Reuters) – Apple bought metaio, the German publisher of an augmented reality software, which lets you overlay on real-world objects elements virtually computer generated, show a regulatory document.

Financial terms of the acquisition were not disclosed but, according to a document released Thursday by a court in Munich, Apple is now the sole shareholder of the German company.

The reality software increased metaio is used among others by the large distribution companies, industry and automotive. It is also found in showrooms with virtual and real products like those offered by Ikea.

It also allows to create visual guides to locate in complex buildings or in industrial equipment .

Before the acquisition by Apple, shareholders were metaio Westcott LLC, the investment company of the entrepreneur Carl Westcott, founder of 1-800-Flowers florist, and Atlantic Bridge, a fund investment in Silicon Valley.

No comment could be obtained immediately from both companies.

metaio leaders and Apple did not want respond to questions from Reuters.

“Apple buys smaller technology companies from time, and we generally do not comment on our goals and projects,” said in a statement the firm at the apple.

Juniper Research Cabinet Analysts expect that the market for augmented reality technologies used in enterprises is increased tenfold this year to $ 2.4 billion, against 247 million last year.

metaio is in particular competition with the French Total Immersion and British Blippar, which bought last year the Dutch Layar

(Harro Ten Wolde. Claude Chendjou for the French service, edited by Marc Angrand)


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