Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The Adblock Plus software does not interfere with competition rules … – FranceTV info

Adblock does not break the law, according to German justice . The German company publisher of advertising blocking software Adblock Plus won, Wednesday, May 27, the trial that intentaient him two German media, said the Munich court

& gt;. & Gt; Read also: Is it really bad block ads on the Internet

The German TV channels RTL and ProSiebenSat.1 believed that the company in question, EYEO, based in Cologne (? west), hindered competition rules, endangering the economic model of financing of websites through advertising. But the Munich court found that the supply and distribution of the software constituted “not anti-competitive handicap” to the complainant companies.

The court further noted that the decision whether to install the software and not the responsibility of users of the company editor of the software. Free and easily downloadable, ad blocking programs, including Adblock Plus is the most famous, can equip its internet browser with a few clicks. Their development worries website publishers and players in advertising, the main source of funding of content.

In Germany, the company has already won EYEO end of April a first court victory in Hamburg, facing two press groups, Zeit Online GmbH Handelblatt GmbH.

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