Monday, May 18, 2015

Nanocloud transforms a click any software solution … – Le Parisien

THE PLACE TO START UP OF PARIS ECONOMY WITH PARIS & amp; CO (Anne-Charlotte Alfonsi) | May 18, 2015, 1:47 p.m. | Updated: May 18, 2015, 1:52 p.m.

If digital is very buoyant in France, the leading companies are almost all American. But Nanocloud shows that it is possible for a French start up to get a place on the cloud market. Founded in 2015, the editor turns into a click any software in Cloud solution without retouch existing code.

Customers are exclusively “B2B”: software companies and large enterprises whose applications are intended to be propelled in the cloud to meet new uses

The company. was founded by Dominique Rodrigues, Erfane Arwani David Amara, Cédric Carbone Menez and Frederic. All are all from this area. They have mostly an American experience that has taught them to make the customer the center of their concerns and their strategy. The team will create, from the Parisian ecosystem, a well established company in France and North America.

Rare and appreciated skills

“This is to show that we are able to go much further than simply start up French that merely sell to Google. France has nothing to envy to the United States. There are rare skills at home, very popular there, and the quality of local engineering is excellent, “says Erfane Arwani.

The anticipation is also the watchword of the team. “Our customers first have a specific need which leads them to enter the cloud. Then they realize that the technological capabilities of our platform are huge and this often leads them to change their business model, “says David. The technology then develops with the customer truly like the partnership with HP or collaboration with Intel on the graphics in the cloud.

The start up is growing rapidly, and higher than expected Account from 9 to 20 employees next year. The immediate fundraising than 1.5 million will be completed in early June with financial players very dynamic and serious. This amount will be used to further industrialise processes and increase customer references. A second round of funding will be necessary to go to settle in the United States.

Find our special Cloud and all the news of eco in the “Economy Parisien” in pdf

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