Monday, May 18, 2015

Real estate software: major developments through technology – JDN

How real estate has been transformed by the development of storage technology and customer use.

 customer expectations with respect to real estate agencies
 are becoming more sophisticated: the simple brochure site, and slideshows
 monotonous, is widely exceeded. The time for
 2.0 agencies arrived with his retinue of apps
 and real software. A brief overview of
 main innovations of the sector which prove that advanced
 fingerprints are seen in all sectors.

 The cloud computing revolution

This is
 the major advance in terms of software
 real estate. The cloud allows dematerialisation and
 storing information on the Internet. And if there is one sector
 which produces information, it is real estate
 : Leases, management contracts, inventories of fixtures …
 So this is the end of the paperwork in office?
 Almost. Imagine with all documents available in digital format,
 real estate agents can make a sale anywhere,
 via their mobile or touch pad.

A glitch, a setback
 ? They have the opportunity to hand in
 a colleague without any difficulty. Furthermore, the
 cloud storage allows simplified classification. No need to
 down to the archives to retrieve a document from Methuselah.

And it is
 no question that customers do not take advantage of this too
 simplification. The agent can, via access
 secure, share with them all
 documents relating to: account reports condominium
 or buyers visit, receipts for
 tenants, etc.

 the pudding: the electronic signature allows to go
 to the end of a paperless process.
 Available via applications such as DocuSign, the electronic signature makes
 can the sale of goods from a phone
 portable. For the realtor, who spends most
 part of his working day by car, it is
 a small revolution.

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 geolocation thins

If use
 geolocation in real estate software is
 not in itself a novelty, this technology is not
 nonetheless constantly changing and
 features are always more accurate. In a
 Initially, real estate professionals have feared geolocation
 thinking that the customer could find a property on a map and contact his
 owner, doubling the agency.

 making best use of this technology, geolocation turns
 be a major asset. It allows jumble

 Locate well compared to infrastructure
 health, education, culture

 Quick selection of goods by
 relative to desired areas by the client

– Briefly present the product (price,
 surface, etc.) through
 pop-up options appear mouseover

 Compare goods in one glance

– Perform a complete selection
 based on price, surface or any other criterion set
 on the estate software selected

In addition,
 to avoid short-circuit, agencies may remain blurred
 as to the address of the property
 merely to indicate more or less precise areas
 as explained in this article. Geolocation guard
 without betraying its meaning, if any, the exclusive contract
 real estates.

 real estate software, mobile apps are full

Whether it
 either to meet your soul mate, to consult
 his bank account or to shop this week, the phone
 (Which, remember, was once used to call)
 is the essential tool … well, for this! Not
 question then for the real estate industry to move its mobile app. Or
 its mobile apps, since almost every agency offers its solution.

For the client, that’s all benef
 He can select his property, plan appointments for
 visits, receive alerts on the status of the transaction …
 For advertisers, it is a different story. It
 to choose the best for his client app, which will be
 both easy to use, friendly and yet
 complete. Some offer agencies to create
 themselves their mobile app.

Just like the creation
 house of a website, this alternative is
 taken lightly. The development of mobile apps is
 a real job, you better leave it
 Professional real estate software. To be
 sure, just estimate the cost of the time you
 will spend to develop an app
 rather than generate
 of revenue for your business. Add to
 a result that it never will “pro”
 and you will find that DIY is still too expensive in
 real estate software. Here,
 a top 3 to monitor.

The importance
 the responsive design

 these technological advances, these enhancements software
 Real are useless if they disregard design
 responsive or adaptive design. Indeed, one can add all apps
 art, the most beautiful 3D tours and the best service
 online transaction, if the site does not fit
 all media (telephone, computer,
 Touch and tomorrow tablet, connected watches …)
 the effort will be zero.

For the different features
 a site to express their potential and donn²er
 full satisfaction to the customer as to the agency, design
 Adaptive applies to allow optimal viewing regardless
 that is the tool used. The responsive design is
 guaranteed to have a user-friendly site that fits
 to all terminals (computer, tablet, smartphone).

 Moreover, it helps answer
 a search faster by displaying only the elements
 most relevant to users. For purists, the classic version of
 website remains available for regulars to the original display. If you
 Want to know more about responsive design, do not hesitate
 not to read this article.

 acclaimed virtual tours

 such as geolocation, the virtual tour is not completely
 Unknown estate agencies. But experience
 has evolved from a simple slideshow that was
 scroll pictures of more or less quality
 and often suffer abuse of wide angle. Henceforth,
 and it is precisely linked to
 the use of smartphones and tablets, agencies
 put the package on the virtual visits. Or how to choose home
 from the sofa. Today visits
 Virtual may even be accompanied by a
 realtor, real him. What constitutes a solution to
 halfway between the virtual tour and video conferencing,
 as explained in this article

This initiative is in line
 of paperless while allowing
 the real estate agent as
 the buyer to make contact in the serious prospect
 a signing contract. A real step
 in the buying journey, even if the visit
 Virtual can not completely substitute
 reality. To go even further in the
 principle of virtuality is announced for very
 soon democratization tours in 3D, thanks
 the port of suitable glasses. Visiolab, the Toulouse SME that produces these
 glasses, has already
 because of its real estate market
 lighthouse. To be continued!

 complete this overview, we should not miss
 report strong activity of real estate agencies
 on social networks. They are no less
 largely integrated into strategies
 development and communication agencies. This is
 including the opportunity to highlight property, interact
 with the community of employees and customers
 develop its brand language.


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