Monday, May 4, 2015

Avast, CCleaner, Opera software updates for the pros – ZDNet France

Security, file compression, Web browsing; this bimonthly selection gives pride to updates indispensable tools that professionals use every day


The following Security Avast offers antivirus and network scanning tool to detect security breaches. She completed a browser-cleaning tool, which identifies unwanted plugins. On the network side, a secure DNS blocks access to fraudulent sites and a firewall protects against intrusions. The email is protected with an anti-spam filter and a file shredder that permanently deletes the data is also present.

The new version of the security suite offers faster startup after reboot of the machine, with a differential loading for some elements. The file protection system ‘File System Shield’ is no longer compatible with TrueCrypt, and its exclusion system working again. Finally, StreamFilter compatibility with other tools in the suite has been enhanced

To download Avast security tools.

CCleaner 5.05

CCleaner is a system cleaning tool and a Windows registry cleaning tool. It erases old files and settings left by longer required standard Windows components. It also identifies temporary files created by frequently used applications. Register side, it detects many problems related to file extensions, ActiveX controls, ClassIDs, ProgIDs and DLLs.

 This new version improves compatibility with the tools build 10049 of Windows 10, but also cleaning any leftover data from Internet browsers
  Explorer, Firefox and Opera. The IPR tool is also updated.

To download the security tool CCleaner:

PeaZip 5.6.0

free open source utility, PeaZip allows to create, read, combine and split the Archive files in many formats. 7Z, ARC / WRC, BZ2, GZ, PAQ / PQL, PEA, QUAD / BALZ, SPLIT, TAR, UPX, ZIP

new version adds new shortcuts for creating and extracting archive. Now 182 file extensions are executable

To download the data compression tool.

 Opera 29

The alternative browser gets a new facelift. The big news is the synchronization of tabs between the desktop version and the Android version of the tool. A highlight for example when the user wants to switch from one device to another to keep reading more comfortable position in a long text. Another benefit highlighted by this latest version: each tab shows a sound file is active. No need to search blindly among open tabs to find the one that makes them scream in your ears this horrible shrill music

To download the data compression tool.


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