Monday, May 11, 2015

The Kardblock software rids you of all information on … – Closer

Kim Kardashian does not unanimously … So much so that people have decided to develop a software that frees Web pages you visit any news about his family .

Developed by James Shamsi, the software “Kardblock” aims to release your social networks and pages Web you see any news about Kim Kardashian, Kanye West, North West and the whole tribe. One who wanted “break the Internet” is now that we want to ban.

“We do not care that Kim has dyed her hair blonde. Who cares know who the Kardashian sleep or do not sleep. We do not care Kardashian “, it said on the presentation of the site with access to a beta version.

The creators, obviously annoyed by the flood of news about the trials and other uninteresting stories about Kardashian, have set up a AdBlock Kardashian that will instantly delete all pages that come from this family.

“But we do not care less about attracting the attention of transsexuality. We do not care less attention and to collect money for the thousands of people who died Nepal “, said the creator. For this, it directs users to join the movement in the ambition of “make the Internet a better place” .

The icing on the cake? A version of the software to block any content related to Justin Bieber. You can not stop progress!


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