Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Incwo, 100% cloud software dedicated to the SOHO / SME – Le Parisien

Sandrine Bajos | 19 May 2015, 11:02 | Updated: May 19, 2015, 11:05

An engineer and entrepreneur at heart. Computer enthusiast, William Besse did not wait to be a graduate of the prestigious Ecole Centrale to create his company. While still a student, he started with his first promo pals computer consulting company and won Apple as the main customer.

The young engineer comfortably finance his studies and acquired a taste for entrepreneurship. Except for a two-year stint at Publicis where he directed the subsidiary Publicis Technology, William Besse, 43, has several new businesses to its credit. He founded NFactory, a syndication expert content on the Internet that he subsequently sold to the German group Bertelsmann.

Manage small businesses as large

It was after a year off “deserved and very rewarding,” he decided to launch Incwo, a company dedicated to SMEs. He surrounded himself with Delphine Savory, loyal No. 2 since the beginning. Originally, “our goal is to help entrepreneurs to create and administer their company through a set of tools available on the Internet, a kind of supermarket onlin e,” says Guillaume Besse.

The Cloud of betting

But the young TPE trouble finding its business model and in 2012, it changed its tune. While keeping the same team and the same structure, it is the cloud of the bet by offering a single management software. Sold by subscription, this software allows employers to SOHO / SME “manage their business as big.” With a few clicks, “they can quote or edit their billing, share data with their customers, or analyze their sales and performance. Since March, we offer appointments online booking system, “says the founder of Incwo. “We have also developed interactive tools to aid decision under the current management of the company. This allows a leader by example to provide that if such a contract is signed, it will employ so many people. “

Six times cheaper than its US competitors

Incwo, which more and more merchants as customers, also launched the first software cash register that allows iPad to collect and edit receipts, but also to manage the product catalog, inventory, purchase orders …

 Even if he does not intend for the time compete with US giants like SAP, whose elaborate services for large businesses minimum cost at 100,000 euros, the little French has opted to slash prices. “A comparable software, we are so 6 times cheaper than the US Salesforces”, says Guillaume Besse. It costs 19 euros per month to a company for 2 people connected and then it’s 10 euros per additional person. And today Incwo has succeeded! Former TPE, which employs 15 people, already has 4,500 customers, more than 90% French. 100% owned by its founder, it has also successfully met the challenge of doubling every year its turnover.

Going international

Having been proven in the hexagon, where its development margins are almost limitless, counting our 2 countries, 7 million TPE Incwo eyeing internationally. “We will soon launch an English version of our software, announced its president. And we are also very attentive to what is happening in Africa as unintentionally we already have an African customer! “

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