Monday, May 11, 2015

Free software: why the public sector must go further (forum) – Silicon

What Happens in the multitude of open source software? Whether office, development or production, what solution preferred? And what version? To make these choices, IT professionals from the public sphere receive valuable support: the Interministerial base of Free Software (SILL). This last reference for a particular feature, software and version. Fruit of cooperation between ministries, the second version of SILL was published in February by the Disic (Interministerial Directorate of information and communication systems). The opportunity to return to the virtues of these structural choices and explain why this term repository should be strengthened by a new state governance for free software.


As a reminder, the selections in the SILL result of the work of an interdepartmental organization dedicated to open source, consisting of a core (the steering team) and representatives from the various ministries. For each referenced software, one of them agrees to test the solution and validate the latest versions . Always with a view to appropriation by departments.

Why is it valuable selection for IT services? She gives them to clarify matters that a world more complex move to free software unbelievable speed In this context, each department SILL avoids having to separately evaluate mature solutions, those that emerge, those with the a roll or those who decline. This is a particularly pressing need in the areas of development and production, where open source projects are legion.

Necessary wide computer scientists, the SILL is also at a level macroscopic. Because by restricting the number of software, it is in line with a better rationalization of the information system of the State . With the key simplified maintenance and the promise of enhanced interoperability between software programs, whether or not free to use.

What assessment for SILL?

Finally, choices assumed by the SILL referrals internal contributors to future solutions. They thus allow charpenter communities backed the referenced software, and guarantee them sufficient durability.

However, the SILL can not alone cover all issues of free software in the administration, the first of which ownership by different DSI software it references. Let’s face it, the impact of this base on the actors of the SI of the state is hard to objectify . The only certainty, its penetration will increase only if one provides a real IT support in deploying the software.

Hence the second challenge, which affects at sharing expertise . SILL The steering team is also fully involved in this issue since it now publishes field guides based on feedback. The first migration to Postgres database management software. Follow other practices such documents on the Samba file server, or to configuration and virtualization tools. But these publications are still marginal.

Finally, the influence of SILL grow only if the conditions of use of free software are clearly defined. According to the circular Ayrault, remember that far from a partisan and ideological posture, the choice whether or not a free solution must meet a set of objective criteria. Economic criteria (analysis of the full costs of the deployed software), technical (technology, performance, security, usability, mastery of skills, expertise, …) and time (duration of the project and its depreciation, obsolescence of technologies, …) or national sovereignty aspects (typology, sustainability and community location).

walls without expertise center

How to build this analysis grid? How to achieve a wider dissemination of interdepartmental work? How to encourage the sharing of experience around free? These questions will find no response without a new dedicated interdepartmental governance, the organization remains to be defined. Like the open source communities and the operation of certain laboratories, this structure could take the form of an expertise center without walls: its members scattered across departments, would moved either physically or administratively . Such national coordination would be equipped with means to sustained decline an equity strategy

Another feature of this organization. It would rely on a workforce able to plan and launch targeted actions controlled deadlines. For this, public employers would agree that contributors of free agents can devote, over time, a significant portion of their work time to work on Free Software .

The state strategy on free software can more depend on volunteer , altruism and skills of a small circle of enthusiasts. Certainly, they will continue to play a crucial role in the administration weaves links with the world of the free. Likewise, it is fundamental to preserve the community logic  Jacques Marzin 3 which leads to the co-construction software. Still, this strategy to be truly global, should be everyone’s business, and in particular public sector CIOs.

By Jacques Marzin, director of Disic, interdepartmental steering systems information and communication, created in February 2011. And attached to the Secretariat-General for the modernization of public action (SGMAP)

Read also:.

RGI v2 after the controversy, finally a useful tool
Cloud State: a public / private hybrid solution (platform)
Open Source in Government: the turn of databases and Cloud (forum)


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