Thursday, May 7, 2015

Mathias Matallah “a medical device software has been developed that … –

Mathias Matallah “a medical device software has been developed for managing their cardiovascular risk” Image Credit: Fanny Bonjean / Media Credit: Christophe Pacaud, Bénédicte Tassart Download
with Christophe Pacaud, Bénédicte Tassart Philippe Roy-Contancin

Smartsanté offers a prevention service to assess and monitor the risk factors of cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, diabetes, cholesterol …). According to its creator, Mathias Matallah, “one out of two active has at least one of these risk factors, and one in six has two very aggravated.”

In addition, he stressed that this is not a connected object, in the strict sense, but “software medical device allowing the user to manage their cardiovascular risk “. The system is based on a comprehensive approach, which ideally requires the help of her doctor. A questionnaire on lifestyle, medical and family history must be completed online, for an overall assessment of its cardiovascular risk.

According to “knowledge,” he said, “there is no comprehensive system for monitoring cardiovascular risk is proposed” to better assess risk factors.

Today, the connected objects give some information, but they are out of context: the arterial tension you have, cholesterol or blood sugar levels need to be interpreted according to a number of other characteristics, such as your inheritance, medical history, etc.

Mathias Matallah, creator of Smartsanté Facebook Twitter Linkedin

In summary, Smartsanté offers medical follow much further, as part of the fight against cardiovascular disease.


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