Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Truffle 100: 2015 ranking of French software publishers – JDN

Truffle 100 France 2015 Truffle Capital Unveils the 11th edition of his list of hex editing software. The 100 participants analyzed recorded an overall growth of 6%.

Truffle Capital has just lifted the veil on the 11th edition of its ranking of French players in the software publishing. Published in partnership with the firm CXP, the Truffle 100 France once again confirms the good health of the sector. “With 6.6 billion euros in sales last year, the French software industry recorded a significant growth of 6%, against the current of the current situation, and this, for the 7th consecutive year ! “joked Bernard-Louis Roques, co-founder of Truffle Capital in charge of information technology.

Profits under pressure to compete

It is true that investment in R & amp; D stagnated at just over one billion euros. “But it’s always a very high level. In the gloom, the French software sector remains dynamic,” said Laurent Calot, president of CXP. However, the concentration of the sector remains strong. The first five winners of the record companies and 55% of the turnover of all listed publishers, and Dassault Systèmes over 30% alone …

The French publisher engaged in all major areas of the digital transformation

” The publishers French are fully engaged in the digital transformation issues. They have to this point the same level of maturity and understanding of the subject that American actors “, analyzes Laurent Calot.

When asked by the CXP, actors the charts first evoke the cloud and SaaS as the main engine of growth of the software industry in 2015 (a point mentioned by 53% of them), to mobile applications (43%) and big data (36 %). Most are already engaged in these areas. For proof: 68% of companies in the “Top 100″ report having an offer SaaS (against 61% in 2013)

The Small Business Act acclaimed behind the CIR.

762 million euros in 2011, the profits recorded by the editors of the Truffle 100 France have ceased to erode. CXP had the estimated 693 million in 2012 and to 604 million in 2013. They now stand at 599 million euros. The reason for this deterioration? “The price to pay for access to markets, especially international, is high. This requires substantial investment,” says Laurent Calot. “This trend also explains why the small business act (which aims to promote market access for SMEs ) is second behind the CIR (Credit ‘Research Tax) among the most acclaimed public measures by the top 100 players.

Extract of the first 50 players in the Truffle 100 France

Extract of the first 50 players in the Truffle 100 France. © Truffle


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