Wednesday, November 4, 2015

VLC is the most risky software on the PC French – Generation NT

Based on the data of its free tool Secunia PSI (Personal Software Inspector Secunia), the company Secunia has published a small quarterly state of the art safety among PC users in many countries.

The purpose is to someday software environment is a healthy measure to take. Otherwise, this exposes threats through the exploitation of vulnerabilities by attackers whose correction has not taken place.

In a ranking of the most vulnerable software on PCs in France, Secunia site in first place the VLC media player, which may seem surprising at first. The formula takes into account the Secunia Software market share (among users of Secunia PSI) and the number of unpatched vulnerabilities


For VLC, it has a market share of 67%, six reported vulnerabilities, and 46 % of users have not installed the latest update. This represents nearly 31% of vulnerable computers. The podium is completed by Apple QuickTime (26% of vulnerable PCs) and Oracle Java JRE (14% of vulnerable PCs).

Obviously, we must also consider the fact that the same PC may have several vulnerable software. However, users of Secunia PSI is a priori more sensitive than others to secure their computer. It is therefore likely that the situation is generally worse.

When installing, do not forget to later update … and even when it was preinstalled.


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