Monday, November 9, 2015

The plutocrat Western software, China, and the Middle East as … – AgoravoxTv

1. The US, the Fed policy, World Economic tare after Euro.

The Fed and the false value of money, for the sole benefit of the banking plutocracy.

Decline of innovation and collapse of the American middle class

2. China: Yuan future competitor of the dollar

The Chinese economy begins to interest rates and exchange rates consistent market

The more the capitalist China. Japan.

With a child for four grandparents assuming a war unlikely.

China Asia stability zone.

3 . The Middle East, Shiites Sunnis inexpiable conflict.

Putin plays chess, the Quai d’Orsay Belote!

Support for Shiites, revenge of Russia against the Saudis Chechens who pushed to rebellion and alliance setbacks against Turkey in NATO.

France funded by criminal authorities.

Conclusion, a technological revolution to escape the petro- monarchies, storage of electricity

tags. <->: Middle East Economy United States China International Currency Banking Oligarchy


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