Thursday, November 5, 2015

Europe condemns the cyber-surveillance and encourages free software – LeMondeInformatique

The motion of 29 October 2015 the European Parliament supports the Free Software (source: Wikimedia).

The motion of 29 October 2015 the European Parliament supports Free Software. (Source: Wikimedia)

The European Parliament has adopted a long motion condemning the widespread cyber and encouraging free and sovereign Software


On 29 October 2015, the European Parliament adopted a lengthy motion condemning the widespread cyber, calling for support Edward Snowden (paragraph 2) and drawing conclusions related to lack of confidence possible with the United States. Within this long text appear two paragraphs (47 and 48) on the computer sovereignty of Europe based, according to the Parliament, especially on Free Software (paragraph 47).

The motion states Indeed, a strong evolution of legislation on public procurement. Parliament “calls for systematic replacement of proprietary software with open source software controllable and verifiable in all institutions of the Union, the introduction of a selection criterion open source compulsory in all Procurement procedures in the field of ICT in the future, and the rapid availability of encryption tools. “

” This is the first time that the European Parliament explicitly calls the migration to free software. Even if such a resolution has no binding, it is a very strong signal towards the European Commission “welcomed Frédéric Couchet, general delegate of April. This militant Association for Free Software now expects the European Commission and national authorities will implement a set of concrete that remains currently wishful thinking. France currently also experiencing a return of the format war during the revision of the GIR



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