Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Risk Management: what software for ETI? – Daf-Mag.fr

If we did a survey of our readers, a large majority would answer no doubt that this is Excel which allows it to manage its risks. What about a specialized software in the risk management ? Bring there really more to businesses?

mature gait before equipping

Bénédicte de Luze, general delegate AMRAE (Association for the risk management and business insurance), begins by recalling that a tool is not everything: “ The risk management methodology should be put in place before thinking to develop a tool “, she insists. She thinks that Excel can very well do the trick a few years, until the process is mature. “A company that is not multi-site or multi-activity may also very well be content to Excel. It is useless to mount a gas plant” she said.

Time saving and efficiency

The general delegate AMRAE recognizes, however, that specialized in software risk management can provide more: “They allow them to be more agile: the mapping is established as and events and recovers more easily updated than via an Excel spreadsheet They also allow the sharing of good practice between different sites, services, business units. she observes. And they are also more visually pleasing. “

Jean Fournier, General Manager of the Global Aerospace insurer’s risk software allow management time savings and efficiency. The structure offers its customers the Delta RM software that allows identify risks, manage contracts, monitor claims management … “This tool provides a risk analysis really effective and can see at a glance where the greatest risks lie, the consequences of the decline of a franchise to a particular place … “, t-lists he. Her clients appreciate in particular the management of claims: “They know in real time where they are: no need to follow his mails or restart”, he describes. However, he thought that although flexible, this software may not be suitable for companies that do not have multiple sites or multiple activities.

Accompany the company at all stages of maturity

tools to do better in less time: Daf enjoy! It is this efficiency sought by the risk management consulting firm Arengi when it launched its own software, Arengi Box. “This is a web platform to manage the conduct of risk from A to Z. The aim was to provide a simple tool to assist companies at all stages of maturity “, describes Gilles Proust, President of Arengi. Available by subscription, this platform is accompanied on some offers few days of consulting . A perfect tool for an introduction to risk management software. Moreover, 50% of the Arengi Box subscribers are SMEs and ETI.

“The backbone of our tool is risk analysis, which is simplified with a base integrated knowledge that can identify risks reports Gilles Proust. In addition, there dashboards to track topics that advance and raise. Finally, this tool is collaborative and allows Sharing key elements of a department to another. ”

To convince the most reluctant, free offer allows discovery to conduct a risk analysis. The premium offerings start at 90 euros per month (including all the functionality risk mapping collaboratively board + 2 days).


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