Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Free software: Toulouse, the Capitol and the Bazaar – ZDNet France

We had planned to go to the Capitol, we will have had the bazaar: the Toulouse event dedicated to free software would indeed be held the weekend of 21 November in the premises of ENSEEIHT (pronounced N7) to its fifth edition. Unfortunately, fate decided otherwise: following the attacks of Paris, INP Toulouse which includes ENSEEIHT decided to cancel the holding of the event, unable to meet the security requirements.

Blow to the Toulouse event, which this year showed a record number of conferences. Capitol free hoped together a little over 1200 participants from around the different exchange proposed themes: multimedia tools, more technical subjects or the major issues of the free.

The cancellation fell Monday, with the regrets of INP Toulouse, but final. So in the space of four days, activists of the Association Toulibre have managed to organize a new event, simply called the Bazaar free, in an allusion to the book claimed founder of the current open source Eric Raymond “The Cathedral and the Bazaar “.

” When we announced the cancellation of the event at ENSEEIHT, a lot of speakers we are told “Anyway even if nothing happens, we planned to come to Toulouse, tickets are taken, then it comes. “So we thought: there, we have to attempt something” explains Emannuelle Helly, member of the Association Toulibre behind the event.

In hard times, rely on the associative solidarity

There remained the question of a new venue for conferences: the associative fabric Toulouse has come to the rescue. The public lectures were relocated to Mix’art Myrys, Self artistic squat on the edge of downtown, while the conferences on 2D and 3D design tools were staying with Artilect, local Fablab.

In parallel, the coworking space Spark hosted the conference and the theme Devops ekito accelerator undertook conferences dedicated to KDE. “The distribution of themes and locations was done so a bit chaotic, but hey, it was an emergency,” says Emannuelle Helly. “We had many proposals from other Toulouse associations. And we met a nice support from Mix’art Myrys: we started by asking them to simply use one of their container, and they offered two conference rooms and finally fourteen of their volunteers came spinning us a hand to handle the event. ”

The Internet brick project presentation workshop was part conferences translated into languages signs in accessibility in mind

The framework detonates a bit: the regulars austere corridors ENSEEIHT have felt a bit disconcerted amidst the colorful industrial wasteland occupied by the activists of Mix’art Myrys. But the turning of a container or an improvised bar association include conferences and known faces of Toulouse digital microcosm. Mix’art is also not new at this. It is among these containers and artistic installations that Tetalab, local hackerspace, annually organizes the event, the THSF. It is also the headquarters Tetaneutral, associations ISP and Toulouse activist, who also took charge of providing WiFi on the site. We will return later.

The decor Mix’art Myrys where stood the general public conferences radically changes felted atmospheres to which IT fairs are accustomed

Difficult to evaluate the crowds: the event, exploded in four different places, Also riding with a march in honor of the victims of the attacks planned on the same day. However, the two Mixart conference rooms were full and some interventions have marked: it was able to cross Stéphane Bortzmeyer came to present to the public the Yeti project and dressed for the occasion of a wookie costume quite convincing, or yet Jeremie Zimmermann, a former spokesman of Quadrature du Net, discussing the new challenges of free in a world where even the hardware is sometimes suspect.

By the same logic Kocialkowski Paul was giving a lecture on the challenges of Replicant project, a free alternative to the Android OS, a problem there too closely tied to hardware and firmware used in the proprietary world of mobility .

A complete mess

Jérémie Zimmermann, co-founder of La Quadrature du Net and regular at the Capitol Add obviously not was missing

Finally, Benjamin Bayart and Christopher Talib of the Quadrature du Net, had come to conclude the day Saturday to present the activities and (many) Offensive well appointed “scholars amateurs” deal with various issues and bills to oversee the digital in France and Europe. A must for the Capitol’s free, which usually leaves its closing conference to care activists for the defense of personal freedoms. “And not to defy tradition, we took beer on stage,” says Benjamin Bayart.
 For if the free edition of the Capitol stood out by his organization somewhat chaotic, family and friendly spirit of the event was all the more present.

A willingness on the part of the organizers: “We try to reach an audience both family, amateurs who do not know the technology, but who are interested, and more advanced and specialized public “explains Emannuelle Helly. It is too early to comment on the future of the event, but organizers would love to make a return to ENSEEIHT next year and remember that conferences are open to anyone, individuals or businesses wishing to file a report in conference with the various themes.

Even Microsoft? “Yes, yes, they even have a past of their bookstores last few years,” confirms Emmanuelle Helly. ” Good. Obviously, it’s a little Trollé, but it went well, it is completely open. ” For a make-up session, some of the lectures were filmed and the video and audio recordings are gradually put online by the organizers.


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