Saturday, November 21, 2015

Clic’doc ORAFINA of Technology, a software 100% Algerian … – Al Huffington Post

One of the main concerns of the medical act is the history of the patient and his background. The physical records management is not only cumbersome, but is also losing considerable time addressing health practitioners.

Software to automate the recording of medical procedures for each patient, develop a detailed history of prescribed medication and analyzes, exist. This is Clic’doc, a software published by ORAFINA Technology, a subsidiary of Alliance Assurance Company. A 100% Algerian, the software already has a thousand users among doctors and Algerian specialists.

“Easy to use, Clic’doc automates many tasks and frees the physician certain constraints, the most important is to use a physical folder and browse pages to see the history of the patient, “explains Amin Zermoun, charge d’affaires at ORAFINA technology.

legible prescriptions …

The software is optimized for the needs complete a doctor and does not require a very sophisticated setup to run on a Windows PC. It has a digital diary through which to note the appointment by the doctor’s assistant “to whom an authorization to access this function can be assigned.”

Clic’doc is designed to work in a medical office and manages several specialties. It has a “list 7000 of the most commonly used drugs.” “The doctor can search by INN or trade name drug. It can tell if the drug is reimbursable or not, as well as other updated information on the product. It can print the order and keep it in the memory folder (digital) of the client. This will allow him to know, at a forthcoming consultation which has already been given, “said our interlocutor.

By adopting Clic’doc software, the doctor not start from scratch with his patients. It can scan the cards of old files and even documents such as test results and other radiographs. The software also has a small cash management tool for the physician to evaluate the inflows of the day.

This is not a highly developed accounting module, but just cashing and cash expenses. Medical laboratories have already purchased dozens of licenses for granting to doctors. But the big sales is through the “door to door” of the technical sales team ORAFINA that crisscrosses the country to offer the software practitioners (GPs and specialists).

Data protection

“The primary concern of physicians to whom the software is available is data security,” said Karim Zermoun. The Clic’doc solution provides local backup tools on the computer on which it is installed and on removable storage media.

Doctors benefit from training to use the software, the safeguarding of the data and duplication of external hard drives to avoid the risk of accidental loss. “The software is built on an Oracle Database Express Edition base (XE) – an open source application – allowing backups,” said Amine Tarik Belkacemi, Business Analyst at ORAFINA Technology

“The choice of. Oracle solution was for all because from the start of the design Clic’doc the idea was to go to an ERP. The software is built around a core functionality. Tomorrow, if the software is intended for clinic, we can easily add other modules such as bed management, hotels, stores, restaurants, pharmacy and other features to become an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning – ERP a) “said his side Yassine Boudib, Business Analyst at ORAFINA technology.

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