Thursday, November 5, 2015

Clic’doc: a 100% Algerian software for professionals … – TSA – All About Algeria

Clic’doc Mohamed Boussaboune intends to “revolutionize the health professions.” The Director General of Orafina, computer engineering services company, a subsidiary of Alliance Insurance, board for three years on a software for medical professionals and marketed since the end of 2014. Based on the medical software model Existing abroad, the developer provides a specialist tool for which training and monitoring will be made by the start-up.

Main Screen Clic'doc (1)

” Changing practices at national level “by computerizing the health sector

Currently, there are nearly “1000 Algerian doctors who use Clic’doc” says Mohamed Boussaboune. Clic’doc includes twelve modules that allow among others to manage appointments, to create a directory to refer patients to a doctor who works in another specialty, manage accounting and especially to improve patient monitoring by constituting him a personal medical record. This essential point gathers the necessary information for a proper management of the patient.

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medical history, allergies , past treatments, radios, scanners and other data on human health issues stored there. And the patient may at any time “ask the doctor to give him his medical records on paper or digital,” adds Boussaboune.

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Decrease medical risk

The handwriting is often illegible doctors to patients and sometimes even their fellow pharmacists. A problem that can cause complications that lead to death due to misinterpretation of handwritten orders. The patient may also be denied reimbursement by the services of the CNAS, “75% of emissions are due to illegibility of the order,” suggests the head.

The computerization of the sector Health aims to minimize these problems by proposing a typed the physician order system can be completed by directly selecting the drug through an integrated database, and clearly indicating the dosage to meet. The professional will also be aware of the availability of drugs on a very particular Algerian market where shortages are common.

In this sense, the company develops the first Algerian Medical Dictionary (DMA), a platform which includes specific references to each drug according to a concept that draws heavily from the French medical dictionary Vidal while wishing to adapt to the Algerian nomenclature. “Medicines produced in Algeria are not well informed and drugs that are registered in the Vidal are not necessarily available in Algeria.” Hence the usefulness of a national dictionary “will be used both by doctors, laboratories and importers,” explains the CEO. This online platform will also have sections dealing with medical news content available for free


The lack of regulation, a brake on development

These developments are however hampered by the lack of involvement of public authorities. DMA is still waiting on line for lack of “validation of information” and the lack of access to data. The computerization of the sector does not seem to be the priority of the Ministry of Health in contrast to other countries where computerization of the firm, for example, is a step prior to the physicians of installation.


However, the ministry has “initiated a process” in this sense, especially concerning the “personal health record,” the D st Mohamed Bekkat-Berkani, president of the National Council of the Order of Algerian doctors.

“In order for the patient to have access to his medical file, which is his right, and that there can be an exchange between the different services while respecting professional secrecy “adds Bekkat-Berkani who regrets” that just under half of practitioners are still not provided with computer equipment. ” And even if the way to computerization is long, “one can not escape the progress,” it concludes.


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