Sunday, April 26, 2015

Recycle your old PCs to thin clients “software”! – Info DSI

Sunday, April 26, 2015

The Fraunhofer UMSICHT has compared the recent PC and laptops with older machines that continue to be used as thin clients thanks for conversion software. And it turns out that these “thin clients” are ultimately much cheaper …

Comparing a recent PC with an older PC converted into a thin client (with appropriate software) over a period of operating for three years, Fraunhofer UMSICHT has determined that the emissions of greenhouse gases were lower by about 60% with the thin client “software”.

This solution can also have financial benefits not negligible. Thus, based on a scenario in which 100 workstations are used, Fraunhofer UMSICHT has calculated that savings of € 1,008 per workstation possible, a -47% discount.

In the end, there is no doubt that the thin client software has a huge environmental and financial potential, and also an ideal transition to IT strategies based on server

Igel Technology. being the sponsor of the survey, the thin client IGEL Universal Desktop Converter 2 (UDC2) that was used for these tests. “ Since we are on the cusp of a generational change in terms of IT office, make the transition to using thin client software is an interesting alternative, indicates Pernodet Thomas, Regional Sales Manager France at IGEL Technology. Universal Desktop Converter IGEL 2 is a fully developed solution for taking full advantage of the benefits highlighted in the study “.


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