Thursday, April 23, 2015

PredPol, big data in the police – The World

Le Monde | • Updated | By

The Sergeant TJ Muffett Police Modesto, California.

Famous for its wine and almonds, Modesto, 210 000, is also known for its unemployment rate and record crime – almost double the average in California. This is also the city in the heart of California’s central valley that director John Ridley was chosen to create the series American Crime . In the city center, the police headquarters occupies an entire block of houses. In this spring afternoon, the team of the evening arrives for duty, which will last eleven hours in a row, from 16 hours to 3 am.

In the meeting room, fifteen Police have taken place behind large gray tables. Before beginning their patrols, they listen to their sergeant summarize the events of the morning: gunshots, car thefts, burglaries … Their superior lighting a computer screen on the wall and displays a map of the city, where there are ten red squares: a crossroads, a square, a shopping center … These are the “hot spots”, hot Priority Watch points. According to the computer, connected to PredPol system (Predictive Policing), offenses will focus over the next twelve hours, in these square 150 meters on each side, representing a tiny fraction of the area of ​​Modesto.

Sgt zooms in on the map to show the different patrols neighborhoods that are assigned. The computer refines its predictions and displays five “squares PredPol” sector, listed in order of priority. A young police …


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