Thursday, April 23, 2015

The Army command a new payroll software to forget … – BFMTV.COM

Make forget Louvois, 250,000 military payroll software abandoned in October 2013 after three years of quirks and faults, and nearly 500 million euros of public investment, as found the Court of Auditors .

Wednesday, April 22, Jean-Yves Le Drian, the Minister of Defence, has announced that his ministry had just notified the group Sopra-Stéria market for a new military balances of 250,000 payroll software to replace Louvois. Source Balance is its name, should be operational in 2017 after a test phase in 2016. It took almost 20 years to implement Louvois, with the ultimate success that we know!

A market of 128 million

The new contract covers the construction, commissioning and the “maintenance and development” (according to the ministry) software for ten years. Its cost is 128 million.

“In order not to repeat the mistakes of the past,” the ministry has decided to entrust the development of the new software “great professionals”, launched Jean-Yves Le Drian in December 2013. Louvois himself had set up by Steria but with a set of highly complex loads imposed by the services of the Ministry of Defence.

Quack quack on

Consequences, failures of Louvois had the effect of not paying enough some soldiers for an estimated € 120 million approximately in 2012. When other soldiers, in contrast, were granted too high balances, representing just over € 130 million in June. In total, 10,000 soldiers were affected by these problems every month.


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