Thursday, April 23, 2015

Payroll military: new software to end it … – Le Figaro

Source Called Balance, the new system will be implemented from 2017. He succeeds Louvois software, commissioned in 2011 and whose repetition bugs have caused many delays in the settlement of balances. 250,000 soldiers are concerned.

Louvois, it’s over. Or almost. The armies in 2017 will have to wait before the start deploying the new computer system for the payment of balances. Source dubbed Balance, the new software, the successor to the infamous Louvois system put into service in 2011 and whose repetition bugs have caused many delays in the settlement of balances, placing severe difficulties when engaged families of soldiers on operations abroad (Opex) in Afghanistan or Mali, or conversely too perceived as other military families will have to pay back.

On the sidelines of a visit by Human Resources expertise center (CERH) Navy in Toulon, Jean-Yves Le Drian, Defence Minister, announced that the General of Armaments (DGA) had entrusted to Sopra company and its subsidiary HR Access development of future payroll software military. DGA dismissed the solutions proposed by the Anglo-Saxon Accenture- tandem CGI and the French Atos associated with Steria.

40,000 engagement in unpaid premiums Opex

s ‘is a contract of 128 million euros, which includes the construction, commissioning and maintenance of Balance Source for ten years. The new system will be implemented in the Navy in 2017 after a series of tests to validate 100% throughout 2016. Source Balance will manage the balance of 250,000 soldiers. By then, the services of the HR Department of Defense will work with a dual plug payroll system.

Source balance will have to forget the “disaster” economic, IT and human Louvois. The Hotel de Brienne has every chance of his side. “I remember that the new system is based on proven software without specific development,” insisted Jean-Yves Le Drian.

Since the Louvois commissioning some 160,000 soldiers saw their record payroll experience erratic changes, posting 200, 90 or 50 euros. Or the reverse. The phenomenon has affected soldiers from all ranks and especially the military 170,000 account that the Army. According to the Ministry of Defence about 40,000 commitment Opex premiums were not paid. The sailors and the workforce military health services have been affected by the malfunction of Louvois. However, the air force who had not yet switched to Louvois system was well advised to refrain, in view of the first abnormalities.

Incremental costs of 150 to 200 million per month

In addition, the Ministry of Defence has to rectify all the grotesque situations created by Louvois. At least 110,000 letters were sent to reclaim overpayments estimated at € 350 million between 2011 and 2014. It will be difficult to recover because some soldiers left the army, others have spent them.

In the end, the dysfunctions of Louvois, called “crazy software” by the Court of Auditors that made a very severe report on it in March 2014, and the measures taken to manually correct the mistakes of logicile, cost between 150 and 200 million euros per year to public finances. This fiasco is mainly due to the great complexity of military payroll system. It lists 174 different premiums depending on the services and for all armies, 250 remuneration. The pay nearly half of the soldiers change from one month to another. The Ministry of Defence often cites the case of the first soldiers landed in December 8, 2013 in Central ravaged by religious massacres between ethnic groups. Louvois had no “knowledge” of the Opex decided in an emergency. Suddenly, the military has not been paid for two months, the time that the data on the Central are entered in the system.


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