Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Health Facilities: software to manage absenteeism … – The Doctor’s Daily

With an average of 21.5 days absence per person per year, the health sector is not spared by absenteeism. According to the Court of Auditors, management of unscheduled absences represent 66% of operating costs of health facilities (urgent use of contractors, temporary, internal disorganization …). Some CHU audited between 2009 and 2011 would have a daily absenteeism rate oscillating between 8 and 12%.

Initially oriented towards crisis management, the Whoog company, based in Sophia Antipolis, has specialized in the health sector. “Mi 2013, we entrusted to sea rescuers of Cannes and Golfe-Juan our coordination platform of professional emergency. Thanks to them and occasionally white shots we met with officials of health facilities. We then realized that they had no tools to manage the mini-crises that represents unplanned absenteeism “ says the” Daily “co-founder Whoog, Guerric Faure.

Exchange replacements

The device that offers Whoog institutions is a platform that connects the manager on duty. He answers (within 40 seconds) to four questions to define the post to replace: What (white level, unplanned replacement, work overload), which (what professional), where (service building) and when. The system then contacts by sms all employees or contractors volunteers, who enrolled in this “Auction replacements” . The first to respond is selected for the replacement.

“This prevents the manager on duty to contact himself or RTT personnel on leave, by sms or phone, wait for their answer before s’ contact the human resources services, or disrupt several services to absorb the crisis’ , argues Guerric Faure.

employees or contractors voluntarily enroll in the loop and can specify their availability in real time. “The approach is borne by the institution, which disseminates information among staff, and chooses the compensation for such replacements – mostly in overtime” says cofounder.

“The device allows to save on the cost of the interim, the reorganization of services, productivity and free up time for the manager on duty” Guerric Faure ensures that evaluates to 2.5 months the period for return on investment.

Two institutions are already using this tool, the St. John Health Cluster (Polyclinic) since August 2014, where 42% of staff enrolled in the stock market, and the private hospital in Casamance since March 2015.

The University Hospital of Montpellier should be equipped by the end of April.


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