Monday, April 13, 2015

Malware passed through Luxembourg – Key

The botnet “Simda” that has infected 770,000 computers in some 190 countries for several years, was offset by a series of coordinated actions of national policies and publishers such as Microsoft, Kaspersky and Trend Micro. All under the auspices of Interpol. The pooling of a number of resources has led to the creation of a virus propagation map. Tool which then led to the seizure of a dozen servers in the United States, Russia, but also in Poland and Luxembourg. “Simda” allowed the harvest of personal data, including banking passwords. “The success of this operation: demonstrate the value and necessity of cooperation between the implementation of national and international law with the private sector,” said Sanjay Virmani, director of Interpol Digital Crime Centre (IDCC) that fight against Cybercrime.

Note that another botnet was also dismantled recently. Intel Security has announced Monday that it participated in an international police operation against a criminal organization responsible for the proliferation of a network of computers used without the knowledge of the owner for illegal activities. Computer Security Division of the US group Intel has identified this threat called “Beebone” in March 2014 and accumulated information about it for six months before turning to international agencies to fight against cybercrime. She has collaborated with the European Europol cybercrime center (EC3), the FBI, and the Dutch authorities.

100,000 infections in 195 countries

In early April, coordinated action by the security forces in the world, which also participated the Russian IT security firm Kaspersky has possible to put an end to the activities of “Beebone” recording, suspending or seizing domain names through which he communicated. At the highest point surveyed last year, Intel Security has detected 100 000 infections in 195 countries, mostly in the United States, but this figure was probably much higher.

Cybercrime costs $ 400 billion (€ 380 billion) per year to the global economy, according to a report commissioned in 2014 by Intel Security at CSIS think tank (Center for Strategic and International Studies ).

(MC / The key / AFP)


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