Thursday, April 16, 2015

New version of Sage CRM Software – Self argus

Sage announces the redesign of its CRM offering. The new version features improved ergonomics for ease of handling.

At Sage, we are committed to provide SMEs with tools to help them in everyday life. 58% of our customers still do not know what a CRM is helpful. That is why we have revised our offer in depth by focusing on ROI and concrete benefits brought “said Frédéric Canevet, business management and market manager at Sage CRM. “ Our goal is that CRM solutions are no longer reserved for large companies, but for that we need to convince SME managers of the value and profitability of these tools.

Available on Smartphone

In a few years, mobile devices have become indispensable. Nearly 40% of French employers reported using smartphones and / or tablets priority to communicate with their customers, suppliers and colleagues. CRM solutions must adapt to these new uses to be accessed at any time by trading in order to help them increase efficiency and productivity. The Sage CRM offers has a mobile (smartphone and tablet) available and accessible in connected or disconnected mode on iOS and Android with a new simplified and enhanced version. Ergonomics responsive design fits all screen sizes and to all devices (smartphones, phablettes, tablets …) thus allows employees faster access to corporate data, even if they use their own mobile (BYOD). Thus, all the contacts in the business are just centralized in CRM with one click from the address books of mobile devices and viewed at any time on the field. Strengthening marketing functions: e-mailing management with MailChimp Given the digitization of the economy and the growing importance of the web, managing email campaigns has become a major issue for SMEs.

Emailing Solution

The new offering integrates CRM Mailchimp, free solution for e-mailing. This solution gives them the opportunity to make free campaigns (up to 2,000 contacts). It also allows them to analyze the behavior of their customers, with follow openers / clickers and recover these groups in CRM to help them focus their efforts on clients with the most potential.

The new Sage CRM offers, Sage 100 CRM i7 Version 8 (on-premise) and Sage CRM 2015R1 (Cloud) are available from € 30 per month per user.


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