Monday, November 16, 2015

Truffle 100: the 2015 European ranking software publishers … – JDN

The first 100 European players of the software are no longer in a situation of over-investment. Their total turnover increased by 5%, and investment in R & amp; D 2%.

In partnership with IDC and CXP firm Truffle Capital unveiled its 2015 ranking of the top 100 European software players. On the occasion of this tenth edition, palmares reveals a sector particularly healthy. In 2014, revenues from the sale of software by the champions of the sector grew by 6% year on year to hit 44 billion euros. Over the period, their investment in research and development amounted to 7 billion euros, up at the same time by 2%.

green indicators

“These indicators illustrate the excellent health of the sector “, commented Bernard-Louis Roques, CEO and co-founder of Truffle Capital. More good news highlighted by the analyst, profits repass over investment in R & amp; D. The overinvestment situation seen last year could well indeed to have been a temporary situation, probably due to the need for publishers to reposition their offer on cloud models.

A presence of too low

But the European software industry still faces several structural problems. The CEO of Truffle Capital draws particular attention to a financial aspect. “Currently, there are only 54 listed companies in the ranking, against 85 in 2007,” Bernard-Louis Roques tip. The financial euphoria that continues in the US generates, too, a situation that remains in favor of the European actor buybacks by US software publishers. Figures published by Truffle Capital also show a concentration of sales in the Top 25 of the charts which further increases (up 2 points compared to 2013, to 77%).

To return France to 2nd place next year?

Finally, what about the role of France in the Truffle 100? Représentant12,2% of the total turnover of the actors on the sale of licenses, it retains third place this year, behind Germany (49.8%) in the lead, and a few tenths of a point in the UK (12.4%). “It would be absurd that France is still closer to the second position next year thanks to the entry of new players from the Hexagon,” said Bernard-Louis Roques. Among them might be included Talentsoft who, during his last collection of funds (€ 25 million), indicated anticipate a turnover of € 29 million in 2015 and will achieve 100 million euros in sales by 2018. But to enter the Truffle 100, an editor must actfuellement record a turnover of at least 40 million.

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