Tuesday, November 3, 2015

And the most dangerous software for French is … – the Computer


What is the least updated software, yet most present on our machines? The first answer that comes to mind is, of course, Java. And if we were wrong?


This is a ranking rather interesting, albeit imperfect and probably biased, that publishes computer security company. Secunia is based on the percentage of obsolete versions weighted by the share of the software market in the country concerned. Who says obsolete version, so no update, vulnerabilities said lack of security patches. And thus establishes the list of software creating the most risk for PC users.


You expected Java? This is the third ranking in France. The public enemy number 1 is VLC Media Player. The media player, installed on 67% of machines obsolete in 46% of cases. Or 31% of vulnerable machines. This is followed by QuickTime: Apple’s software is far less updated by users: 69% of PC use a non-patched version, for a market share of 37%: 26% of PCs are vulnerable.



As for Java, on the top step of the podium, it is installed on 38% of PCs, 36% of non updated versions to date. Follow Adobe Reader, iTunes and Firefox. The ranking is much the same for Germany, although Firefox occupies 4th place. In the UK, Apple QuickTime arrives in pole position, with 60% of non updated versions for 47% of the market, followed by iTunes and VLC. In the United States, VLC is much less famous than our side of the Atlantic: it occupies only 27% PC, 41% of vulnerable versions. So it gets there in 6th place, far behind Apple and Java software.


Is This study provided relevant? It does not take into account the uncorrected flaws or the number of vulnerabilities discovered over software. As mentioned earlier, it is far from perfect. But we will hold one or two lessons: the majority of software in the top rankings are preinstalled on machines by the manufacturer or distributor: the security problems are not because of users. The second conclusion upgrade your machine, otherwise leave gaping loopholes and opens the door to a virus attack.


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