Thursday, November 26, 2015

New software problem at Volkswagen – Le Figaro

The German car manufacturer Volkswagen, immersed in a scandal fakers software capable of deceiving pollution controls, is facing another software problem affecting fuel consumption of certain vehicles, said Thursday the German press.

“Volkswagen new software problems, which have a direct influence on consumption “vehicles, the German daily wrote Thursday Die Welt . “In this case, it is a software that manages the recovery of kinetic energy in the battery,” the newspaper added.

The anomaly relates to a “large number of automobiles combustion engine, “without elaborating. A spokesman for the manufacturer confirmed the problem every day and added that the malfunction was not about “all vehicles of a particular series, but only some vehicles.” Solicited by AFP, Volkswagen was not reachable for comment.

The German auto giant would in Die Welt , recognized this new issue at a meeting with the commission of inquiry into the scandal distorted emissions, which broke out in late September. The commission of inquiry, set up by the German Ministry of Transport and automotive authority KBA, suggested the manufacturer to prepare a recall of vehicles concerned.

“If a software error influences consumption and therefore CO2 emissions of a vehicle, it must be asked whether the outstanding authorization (of the vehicle) is still valid, “he told the paper a member of the Commission of Inquiry. But it is “likely” that the problem can be solved through simple inspections, indicates Die Welt .

The giant with twelve brands (of Seat and Skoda urban sedans Audi and Porsche sports, through MAN and Scania trucks) must already following the fixing scandal engines recall 8.5 million vehicles from January in Europe, a huge operation for which the manufacturer on Wednesday unveiled the technical aspects.


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