Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The Newforma software finds all data projects … – Monitor

The jungle of information that represents all the data used in a project can mislead the different actors who work there and hurt their effectiveness. To navigate, Newforma offers an indexing system, planning and information exchange.

“The amount of data on a construction project or renovation lasting several years is both enormous and difficult to access,” says Frédéric Betbeder, head of the innovation center for architecture and sustainable town planning in Nobatek. Compounding this information take various forms: xls, pdf, doc or dwg, but also e-mail, maps, drawings, diagrams, photos, etc. This is to deal with this major expansion of data that the technology center has chosen to equip ten workstations Newforma computer system.

Presents the United States for eleven years, the solution happens all just in France. But what is it exactly? “Dedicated to companies working in architecture, engineering and construction, our system is used both to index the project data and improve the traceability of exchanges,” explains Alexandre Tartas, vice president for Europe of Newforma. The software indexes data of 250 different file formats. “It allows to quickly find the acoustic performance of a partition in the report of an acoustician with nearly 100 pages,” says Frédéric Betbeder. Indexing can relate a past project, underway or starting. For the user, the interface is reminiscent of the Windows file explorer. It would therefore be sufficient to drag the files to be indexed in Newforma for indexing starts? “It is still necessary to have in mind the quality of rules and organization directory,” Frederick Betbeder nuance. Newforma also provides two 90-minute training sessions each for employees who start using the software.

“Once the indexed data, the system will retain the traceability of exchanges, which take place all via our platform, “said Alexandre Tartas. For example, it is possible to transmit a plane with an assigned task and optionally a deadline. External users then connect via the web interface of the platform, which preserves the history.

Side computer equipment, system installation requires the establishment of two separate servers. The first, located in the internal corporate network protected by the firewall, will be used to index all data. “The data is modified or copied to a remote server,” insists Alexandre Tartas. A second server hosts the platform of exchange for external stakeholders in the company.

In addition, several mobile applications were developed to access the platform from the site. They allow to see the plans, take pictures, edit the visit report, or to access the directory of the project stakeholders.

The implementation of the system is budgeted for 6300 HT euros, plus an annual license 250 euros / user for the standard version.


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